2014/12/10 |
多種類の生活習慣病モデル(ヒト移植癌モデル、心不全モデル、メタボリックシンドロームモデル等)や多彩な単一遺伝子疾患モデル(ALS, 筋ジストロフィー等)において、96穴プレートによるライブin vivoイメージングスクリーニングを実現する独自の色素欠損トランスジェニックゼブラフィッシュ(MieKomachiシリーズ17種類)の定量的ハイスループットin vivoイメージングシステムを報告しました。
We have developed zebrafish-based quantitative and systems pharmacology, which synergistically combine the desirable features of systems pharmacology and emerging technology of zebrafish-based screening system for functional omics and chemical biology. Zebrafish-based systems pharmacology that analyze in vivo regulatory networks involved in drug action can account for a drug’s multiple targets and for the effects of genomic, epigenomic, and posttranslational changes on the drug efficacy. The next generation discipline of systems pharmacology aims to combine experimental analysis and computational modeling of in vivo networks with quantitative pharmacology approaches to drive the drug discovery processes, predict rare adverse events, and catalyze the practice of personalized medicine. This new systems pharmacology can drive drug discovery and personalized medicine.